Beyond the Rainbow: The Realities of LGBTQIA+ Food and Housing Insecurity


Happy Pride! June is Pride Month, dedicated to celebrating the LGBTQIA+ community and honoring the progress made towards equality and acceptance. Pride originated from the Stonewall riots of June 1969. These were spontaneous demonstrations by LGBTQIA+ community members in response to a police raid at the Stonewall Inn in New York City. These riots marked a turning point in the LGBTQIA+ rights movement. They galvanized activism and led to the formation of numerous advocacy groups. Over the decades, Pride Month has grown into an international celebration. It now includes parades, festivals, and events promoting LGBTQIA+ visibility and rights.

This month also reminds us of the ongoing struggle for LGBTQIA+ rights. It highlights the importance of solidarity and visibility. Amidst the celebrations, it’s crucial to reflect on the persistent challenges faced by the queer community. Disproportionate rates of hunger and homelessness are key issues. These issues underscore the broader socioeconomic disparities that continue to affect LGBTQIA+ individuals, making it essential to address and support their needs comprehensively.

The Issue, at a glance

Despite strides in LGBTQIA+ rights, significant disparities persist in essential areas like food and housing security. According to a 2021 study by the Human Rights Campaign, LGBTQIA+ individuals are twice as likely to experience homelessness compared to their heterosexual, cisgender counterparts. A 2020 study from the Williams Institute supports this, finding that 17% of sexual minority adults report lifetime homelessness, and less than 50% of LGBTQIA+ adults own homes compared to 70% of heterosexual, cisgender adults Furthermore, disparities in homeownership are pronounced among LGBTQIA+ racial minorities and transgender individuals.

LGBTQIA+ youth are particularly vulnerable; up to 40% of homeless youth identifying as LGBTQIA+. This can stem for a lack of support at home and a refusal to house a member of the LGBTQ+ community. However, discrimination exists in the housing market as well. Refusal to rent or sell to same-sex couples, realtors refusing to show houses to transgender individuals, and rejections same-sex partners in leases all occur. These discriminatory practices exacerbate housing insecurity within the LGBTQIA+ community.

Similarly, food insecurity is prevalent among LGBTQIA+ individuals. The fact that LGBTQ+ individuals are twice as likely to receive SNAP benefits reflects this disparity. A 2021 revealed 13% of LGBTQIA+ adults report insufficient food at home, almost double non-LGBTQIA+ adults. Additionally, a 2019 study by the Oregon Food Bank revealed that 27% of LGBTQIA+ individuals reported insufficient funds for food within the past year. This is 10% higher compared to 17% of their straight or cisgender counterparts. Additionally, over 22% of LGBTQIA+ adults live in poverty, making them twice as likely as the general population to experience hunger. Economic challenges, including workplace discrimination, contribute to this disparity. Nearly 50% of LGBTQ+ individuals remain closeted at work out of fear of negative treatment or professional repercussions.

Despite these challenges, LGBTQIA+ individuals are less likely to seek assistance from food banks due to fear of rejection or discrimination. Approximately 14% avoid faith-based food pantries, further highlighting the barriers faced by the community in accessing essential resources.

Although the above information merely grazes the surface of the issue, we hope it’s sufficient to illuminate the necessity of dialogue around it.

Our Mission

Unfortunately, accessing housing support and food pantries is not always free from discrimination. The reality that many have faced rejection or prejudice when seeking assistance roots this apprehension. With that in mind, Bucks County Housing Group is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment, offering services without discrimination based on gender, sexual identity, or any other identity features. Our goal is that everyone can access the help they need, such as housing initiatives—supportive housing, rapid rehousing, and housing counseling—and food programs — pantries, mobile markets, and community gardens — without fear of bias or exclusion. Join us in creating a community where everyone feels safe and supported. Help ensure that all can access the resources they need to thrive.



Hold A Drive

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Facebook: Bucks County Housing Group
Twitter: @housing4all

Written By: Dominic DiFrancesco

Join us as we Frost Forward

Winter has officially arrived, and as the chill settles in, our Bucks County community is preparing once again to come together with warmth in our hearts and a purpose in our steps. We at BCHG, in collaboration with our partners at the Serving Bucks Together Center (YWCA Bucks County, Bucks County Opportunity Council, and Family Service Association of Bucks County), are thrilled to host the Doylestown Coldest Night of the Year walk again this year. On February 24th, join us for an event that goes beyond a simple stroll; CNOY is a crucial step toward hope, support, and change.

What is Coldest Night of the Year?

CNOY aims to raise vital funds and awareness for individuals and families facing the harsh realities of homelessness and hunger during these bitterly cold months. CNOY takes place in communities across the USA and Canada. Funds raised at CNOY support the local charities that host the event, and at our Doylestown walk, they support the Serving Bucks Together collaboration. Participants can choose either a 2km or a 5km walk. This allows walkers of all ages and abilities to take part and show their support. Whether you’re an avid walker or simply passionate about making a positive impact, there’s a place for everyone. After crossing the finish line, you will be treated to warm drinks and delicious treats — a gesture of gratitude for your contribution to this meaningful cause. So, are you ready to #FrostForward?

Here’s how you can get involved:

  1. Register: Click here to join BCHG’s team, Frost Forward, or click here to learn more and start your own team!
  2. Fundraise: Spread the word! Share your fundraising goal with friends, family, and colleagues. Every dollar raised will directly impact the lives of those in need.
  3. Donate: Can’t make it to the event but still want to support? Donate to our team directly by clicking here!
  4. Volunteer: Support the event by volunteering! Click here to find the Doylestown location and view available volunteer positions.
  5. Walk with Purpose: Join us on February 24th for an unforgettable evening. Together, we can make a real difference in our communities.

By participating in CNOY, you’re making strides toward a brighter, warmer future for our community’s most vulnerable, one step at a time. So, what are you waiting for? Registration is easy and free. Join us, because it’s cold out there.

More About the Serving Bucks Together Center

The SBT Center opened in early 2022 to allow Bucks County nonprofits to work together to better serve our communities. Furthermore, the SBT Center serves as a safe space for people to access resources they may need, such as emergency assistance with rent and utilities, homeownership counseling, financial literacy, and long-term self-sufficiency services like education and employment planning. This marks our second year hosting the Bucks County CNOY event, and we are incredibly grateful for all the support. Funds raised at CNOY directly support our efforts at the SBT Center.

CNOY USA Homepage

BCHG Homepage

Written by: Hannah Borish

A Guide to Making a Difference


Giving Tuesday is a global day of charitable giving that encourages people to give back to their communities and support causes they are passionate about. Bucks County Housing Group (BCHG) is continuing our work to close the door on hunger and homelessness, and we hope you’ll consider supporting us this Giving Tuesday. We are dedicated to addressing the challenges of food and housing insecurity, and providing affordable housing solutions, and rely on community support to carry out our mission. This Giving Tuesday, consider one of these ways to contribute to help give back to our community and support BCHG:

  1. Monetary Donations:
    One of the most direct ways to support BCHG is through monetary donations. Your financial contributions can go a long way in helping us provide shelter, food, and essential services to individuals and families facing homelessness. Visit our Giving Tuesday page to make a secure online donation, donate via Paypal, or fill out this form to set up a recurring donation to provide ongoing support. You can also support us by buying our merchandise!
  2. Fundraising Campaigns:
    Consider organizing a fundraising campaign within your community or workplace to raise awareness and funds for BCHG. You could host a neighborhood event, set up crowdfunding pages, or collaborate with local businesses to create donation drives. Get creative and involve others in the process to maximize the impact of your fundraising efforts. Need our support? Email!
  3. Volunteer Your Time:
    If you have the time and skills to spare, consider volunteering with BCHG. We often need volunteers for various tasks, such as assisting with food distribution, helping in our community gardens, or providing support at our office. Volunteering is a hands-on way to make a direct impact and connect with the community you’re helping. To get started, visit our volunteer page.
  4. In-Kind Donations:
    We welcome in-kind donations of essential items. This could include non-perishable food items, clothing, hygiene products, and household supplies. You can view our current list of needed food items here, and check out our Amazon Wishlist for the most up-to-date needs of our housing program units and families.
  5. Spread the Word:
    Help amplify our mission by spreading the word on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and X. Share our posts, upcoming events, and initiatives on your page or story. Encourage your friends, family, and followers to get involved and support us on Giving Tuesday! Use the hashtags #GivingTuesday, #GT2023, and #GivingTuesday2023 to increase the visibility of your posts and inspire others to join the cause.
  6. Corporate Sponsorship:
    If you represent a business, explore the possibility of corporate sponsorship for BCHG. This can involve financial support, in-kind donations, or even collaboration on community initiatives. Corporate partnerships can significantly boost our resources and enable us to expand our impact. If you’re interested in becoming a corporate partner, email for more information.


This Giving Tuesday, make a meaningful contribution to Bucks County Housing Group and play a role in addressing homelessness and housing challenges in your community. Whether through financial support, volunteerism, or spreading awareness, your efforts can make a lasting impact on the lives of those in need. Join the movement and be a part of positive change in Bucks County.

  • Two children dyeing Easter eggs
  • Fresh produce on a table display
  • Gardening

How Your Support Transforms Lives at Bucks County Housing Group

At Bucks County Housing Group, we’re excited to share with you the incredible impact of your generous donations. Your support has been pivotal in changing lives, and we want to give you a glimpse of how we put your donations to work and how they are making a tangible difference in our community. 

1. Filling Plates and Hearts: The Food Program 

Your support has ensured that no one in our community goes to bed hungry. With your help, we’ve been able to purchase nutritious food to sustain our food program, providing a lifeline for individuals and families facing food insecurity. Your generosity goes beyond filling plates; it fills hearts with hope. We’re able to leverage your donations to fill our pantries with healthy produce, pantry staples, and allergen-friendly options.

2. Turning Houses into Homes: Essential Household Supplies 

Imagine starting anew with nothing but the clothes on your back. Your donations have made it possible for us to provide clients in our housing program with essential household supplies to get them started as they stabilize. From toiletries to bedding and kitchenware, your contributions empower individuals and families to transform their living situations, turning houses into comfortable homes. Additionally, our Apartment Partners program provides essential furniture and unforeseen expense help to our client families.

3. Play and Laughter for Children: A New Playset and More

Our youngest clients have reason to smile, thanks to your donations at work. We installed a new playset for children within our housing program thanks to a generous fundraiser from our community, bringing joy and laughter to their lives. This small act has had a significant impact, offering a sense of normalcy during challenging times. In addition, your support has provided supplies for our community building program to host holiday parties, homework help, and community days to aid in bringing a sense of camaraderie and support among our housing clients.

4. Cultivating Hope through Community Gardens 

Gardens are places of growth, not just for plants but for people too. Your support has allowed us to provide seeds and materials for our community gardens, enabling clients to cultivate fresh produce and gain valuable skills. Because of your help, our gardens nourish both bodies and spirits while fostering a sense of community and empowerment. 

5. Beyond the Examples: A Broader Impact 

Your support extends far beyond the specific examples mentioned. Because of your support, we have been able to provide shelter, offer case management services, and host educational workshops. These services are instrumental in helping our clients find stable housing, overcome challenges, and work toward self-sufficiency. 

The Ripple Effect: How Your Donations Transform Lives 

The impact of your generosity goes beyond immediate assistance; we put your donations to work to make lasting changes in Bucks County and our clients’ lives. Clients who receive support during difficult times are better equipped to tackle challenges and work towards self-sufficiency. Your contributions fill them with hope and empowerment, impacting every aspect of their lives and creating a brighter future for them and their families. 

In closing, we want to express our deepest gratitude for your unwavering commitment to our mission. Your support, whether through financial contributions, volunteering, or advocacy, is truly making a difference. Together, we’re creating a stronger, more vibrant community where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. 

As we continue this journey of transformation, we look forward to the positive changes your kindness and compassion will bring. Thank you for being a vital part of this life-changing work.